14 September 2008

Mark 5:37-42

Even those who believe in Jesus can be astonished by his power. Peter, James and John worked with Jesus every day and even they were picking their jaws up off the ground.

Mark 5:21-34

Graphic evidence that faith in Jesus heals. Touching the garments wasn't what cured her - clothes are clothes.

Mark 5:1-20

Demons fear Jesus, Jesus cuts them a break (for what reason?) and lets the demons infect some pigs, infected pigs drown themselves. Herders notice, tell the people in the city, city kicks Jesus out... AGAIN! Moral of the story - don't mess with BLT's.

07 September 2008

Mark 4:36-41

Jesus keeps the disciples on their toes by doing nothing about a storm until they cry out for His help. The function of this is two-fold: first is shown that the disciples still have no idea of how much power Jesus truly has (nor will any of us ever comprehend it), and second that Jesus's power is always with us, even - or especially - when things are at their worst. We simply need to remember to call upon Him and He will provide.

He might give you a "What took you so long?" barb, but hey, He's allowed... He's Jesus.

04 September 2008

Mark 4:33-34

The parable-style of illustrative speaking was about the only way to get the message of the New Covenant through to the masses. The people of the day were largely uneducated (and their betters liked it that way), so just reading the Covenant like a news article would have missed the mark - and/or gotten Jesus stomped by a crowd for blasphemy. The parable delivers the message to them at an angle, so the people understand it before they realize it differs with their previous teachings.

Mark 4:21-25

This is why I've always loved Jesus even when I wasn't much of a follower. Sure, he could have just said "All are equal before the eyes of God," but here he chooses to turn that principle inside out by saying basically Don't take crap from The Man, but never think you're above The Law."